love playing your game it is pretty fun still playing after eight hours good sex scenes as will hops you will do more games like this keep up the good work
I think it would be better to add a mother, sister, sister, maid scene and we can ainon with mom, sister, sister, maid with our characters being there beyond the face, and I would like to add a maid scene that we can do from. in the back and we can kick the father out of the TV room and have sex with mom in the TV room.
The game is finished - so the only thing we can do now is to report the bugs we encountered. I doubt that the author wants to change the game code and add new scenes or people.
I too am missing a few things.
It would be nice to introduce a new character in order not to forever do the same with the others, e.g. aunt <- enough to add her at the end of the game - and possibly throw her in there some side mission lush, warp mind, command mind - places pool in the evening, bathroom in the afternoon, laundry at night, etc. :)
Alex's friend could also be developed in the end she sleeps with her younger sister - it would be nice to enter at night when we take the sleeping bag and tap both two on the bed.
I am also waiting for this question, but in order to make a new game, it would be appropriate to first apply the already written corrections from this one - as of today, I have detected over 14 errors, including errors that may discourage you from continuing the game (if someone did not save often) because your last option to fix this is LOAD GAME.
Didn't the author think to set up a Discord server where you could write down all the problems with the game or ideas - because with every entry here I noticed that the list of bugs found is growing - I'm not pressuring the author to fix it, but I honestly think that such a discord could help in maintaining order because now instead of receiving comments about the game everyone is commenting on how to do something or writing down the bugs encountered.
Great game. Some bugs here and there but had a lot of fun nontheless. For your first project this is serious impressive. Don't feel too obligated to work yourself to death though, passion fade away quite fast that way. Take your time fellas. If you ever make another one, you could improve in the mid-game state, where things feel a little bit disconnected from each others. (Like progressing on mom has no or little effect on the sisters, until the very late game). It is a lot of work i am aware, but you can shorten some other stuffs to make things more connected, i think it makes the player action feel like it has a bigger impact that way. But nontheless, thank you Mr.BraverGames for your great work.
Hey, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
Yes, there's lots to take away from this if I start a new project. I think one thing I've learned is how hard it is to make a story that builds while also giving the player the freedom to pursue the things they want to.
found a bug where the command mind sequence doesnt function as intended, you complete the dialogue with the mother before it reverts to the vanilla "talk to" dialogue with her where the father isnt drugged. to which he wakes up, sends you away and the actual sequence is unable to continue. this makes it impossible to continue to the corruption sequence which ive never seen because no matter what i do the bug gets in the way at that particular event junction
I have a question for the developers: 1. it would be useful to have an option Load game in the menu next to Save in order not to return to the main menu every now and then.
2.A lot of people complain about stuttering scenes - the text option disappears and nothing can be done but exit the game - the problem is that if someone hasn't saved the game for a long time because he forgot, he loses progress maybe it's worth considering temporarily inserting a RESET option in the menu that would cancel the currently suspended scene and put the MC back in his room in the morning. 3. And a little request could change alex's voice so it doesn't sound like a baby's voice.
These are all the bugs (or almost all) that are found in version 1.3 (Including ones I reported before): - Goodnight Kisses from Mom - I have all the steps - the mission continues to hang as not ended.
- Mission 28 - Does not display in Naughty Ideas - without it, mom's corruption cannot begin.
- Mission 13 Stage 2: Occasionally sitting on a chair does not work when give maid new clothes
- In some missions in Naughty Ideas, a black screen appears
- Start Game: Mom who comes to your room is invisible
- New Clothes for Demon Mission 24: Buying all at once and dressing up a Demon to unlock new mana refresh abilities, suddenly the game removed my: Naked Clothes
Credits go to Astercholik who made a 500 LONG PAGE WALKTHROUGH! Waiting for his permission to post the guide here!
Edit: Nevermind... Astercholik is actually here...
The guide is freely available to the public - I don't mind if someone uses it and distributes it.
The fact is that it has more than 500 pages (depending on who views it ><) the problem is that I can make it smaller at the expense of the size of the photos which I don't like too much.
I view mine in full size - and I have pages of over 428 :D
i enjoy the game very much I hope you keep on doing a great job on the game theirs a few bugs I mention in my other post I was wondering are you going to open a patron account for this game
the only thing i can't do in this game is to get my father out of the living room in the evening, is there a way to do that or is it just not in the game?
there are lot of unhappy people who aren't even bothering playing the game after the into. The dialogs are way too slow for no reason. Also the game is way too grindy because of Mana.
Please make following changes to make the game a 5/5 or at least 4/5 experience:
- Remove all long breaks in the dialogs, me and a lot of others won't want to skip all the dialogs but they are too slow and these breaks making even the skipping with "W" or "PageDown" slower
- Increase start Mana value or remove Mana from the game. The game already forces you to repeat days since each action skips the time, Mana is just making it much slower
- Make Scenes are bit faster or at least scene dialogs should come faster, if action or skip buttons are pressed down
- Let us choose at the beginning, if you want to skip into all together. If played through the game and want to start it again, it's a time waste for me to go through the long ass into
I modified the game myself to make it playable. Otherwise I wouldn't make to the end.
Beside of points above, I love the game. Animations could be better, but overall great job. The story and gameplay are fun. Models are super hot.
I get the pauses in the dialogue are frustrating for some people.
Unfortunately they're textcodes placed within the actual text so removing them would require going through all of the written text in the game (which is a lot).
If I do a future game, I likely won't use them.
The 1.4 update does add the option to skip the intro, though :)
Wonderful game. feel that theres a lack of content once all mayhem breaks lose. abit underwhelming considering the amount of effort placed. more final form contents as well as sharing contents during daily events maybe ? Damon 2 ?? . all in all. a wonderful effort and game. albeit the buggy start and all.
2 more bugs to report here in 1.3 (Reported by other people):
1) When you talk to the mom in the garden and you only have unlock and telekinesis, right-click the button to quit the scene gets you stuck all you can do is press escape to bring up the main menu.
2)Unless the player missed something, a bug in the quest log where the "Goodnight Kiss" Quest for the mom does not get mark completed.
hi i think i found a bug after corrupting the maid in the morning when dad is standing outside the study i talked to mom in the kitchen and the game froze
People who played this game tested this bug and solved it, here is how: After she tells you to sit down go out and re-enter the room. Interact with the chair and the event will trigger.
Oh crap... The bug you described is related to the Mother, not to Maria... I can't read lol, my bad. In that case, wait for the Dev to see this... sorry.
I have a question do you plan to add new characters in the next versions? E.g. the aunt as a guest visitor? Colleagues for the older sister (this can be subsumed under the cheelider missions).
Personally, I think he should do this in a Sequel or something... I mean it IS his first game on Itch and it's free to boot. I'd welcome a new game as well to be honest but not extra content on this.
Here is a guide on how to unlock the 4th power since so many people are having a pain unlocking it (Thanks ehendu for the guide):
Fourth Power: WARP MIND. The biggest pain in the ass as it has several components. First Condition: Easiest to reach, you must have used the LUST power 5 times. Second Condition: You need to get the mom to order sexy lingerie. This is accomplished by: -Evening, mom tucks you in, TELEKINESIS (undoes bathrobe). Forget if the first time ends there or if you get prompted to use LUST right after before she leaves. -After the first time you've used both TELEKINESIS and LUST while she is tucking you in, get up at night and go to parent's bedroom. It'll ask if you want to watch your dad fuck mom or not. Chose your preference. Now you should be to proceed. -Get Sleeping Pills from the bathroom if you don't have them (UNLOCK and TELEKINESIS the first time, just TELEKINESIS after first). Use them on the wine by parent's bed. If it's non-interactable at this point, good luck unbugging rip. -After using sleeping pills on wine. Go get tucked in, TELEKINESIS and LUST mom again. Watch her at night. Do this 3 times, there will be slight changes in the event. After the third time, she should masturbate in bed and Nina should mention you should be able to give her ideas on the computer. -Afternoon, talk to dad in office so he leaves, computer, browser, leave. Mom comes in, she should choose to buy them. -Wait 3 days. -Go down to the foyer and see the package. Then return to your room. You should now be able to get the Fourth Power: WARP MIND.
Ok BraverGames... I'm sorry but NO: You did NOT fix the sprite where the Mom walks into your room for the first time: This is version 1.3 that I have I'm certain of that and she's still invisible:
I know it is something minor but some people are still reporting stuff therefore I will wait for a future version. Also, I know this is your first game: All I have to say is double check everything before uploading that's all.
Oh that? If you are talking about the "Profile Error Occured" error, that is normal. That's common in all RPGM games that are simply older than a prior RPGM game version you have. Here is how to solve that: 1) Go to C:\Users\<Your username>\Appdata\Local 2) Find a folder named nwjs and delete it 3)Go to C:\Users\<Your username>\Appdata\Local\User Data\Default 4) Delete two files named "Web Data" and "Web Data.journal". After doing all that, relaunch the game and that pop up should disappear. It has a chance to reappear if you play a game that has uses a newer RPGM version so yeah... I've had that problem so many times before. (If you ask me does that pop up appear when I launch this game, then the answer is no).
just tried your game for first time, it's pretty interesting, but think i ran into a bug with nina's outfit. I purchased the naked outfit and it shows as aquired, but when i go to the items menu with nina it doesn't show up at all, but all the other outfits are there. also noticed that when she is using the lingerie outfit during the BJ animation it flashes between that outfit and the original doll outfit. not sure if that was intentional or not.
Hello, I am creating a guide on how to pass the game and unfortunately I have a total of 21 missions: 5 completed, 2 started, and 14 already completed to some degree at what point should I unlock the 4th power? I have been playing since version 1.0, and have the latest version 1.3.
Ok I managed to find on the forum - I did not meet all the conditions.
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cant find jenn corruption spot and cant figur out how to crupt mom says bed time but doesnt work
Search below the link to the tutorial - it's on google drive.
There I describe how to go through the entire game including all the places for corruption
love playing your game it is pretty fun still playing after eight hours good sex scenes as will hops you will do more games like this keep up the good work
Hey there, it looks like you still need to finish one of her quests.
If you use the toy chest in your room during the day, she'll come and visit you and you'll get another set of events with her.
The mission to get the power after LUST, I'm lost.
Can someone help me please
just keep collecting sins by using telekinesis
Hey there, thanks for trying the game!
I consider this game finished so I don't plan on adding any more content.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, though :)
The game is finished - so the only thing we can do now is to report the bugs we encountered. I doubt that the author wants to change the game code and add new scenes or people.
I too am missing a few things.
It would be nice to introduce a new character in order not to forever do the same with the others, e.g. aunt <- enough to add her at the end of the game - and possibly throw her in there some side mission lush, warp mind, command mind - places pool in the evening, bathroom in the afternoon, laundry at night, etc. :)
Alex's friend could also be developed in the end she sleeps with her younger sister - it would be nice to enter at night when we take the sleeping bag and tap both two on the bed.
Are y planing to make a new game like this?
I am also waiting for this question, but in order to make a new game, it would be appropriate to first apply the already written corrections from this one - as of today, I have detected over 14 errors, including errors that may discourage you from continuing the game (if someone did not save often) because your last option to fix this is LOAD GAME.
Hey there, thanks for trying the game!
No plans for a new game at the moment. I want to get this one bug-free as possible first.
здравствуйте я не могу купить новую способность я купил способность телекинез и на ней все я не знаю как получить новые способности
Didn't the author think to set up a Discord server where you could write down all the problems with the game or ideas - because with every entry here I noticed that the list of bugs found is growing - I'm not pressuring the author to fix it, but I honestly think that such a discord could help in maintaining order because now instead of receiving comments about the game everyone is commenting on how to do something or writing down the bugs encountered.
Great game. Some bugs here and there but had a lot of fun nontheless. For your first project this is serious impressive.
Don't feel too obligated to work yourself to death though, passion fade away quite fast that way. Take your time fellas.
If you ever make another one, you could improve in the mid-game state, where things feel a little bit disconnected from each others.
(Like progressing on mom has no or little effect on the sisters, until the very late game).
It is a lot of work i am aware, but you can shorten some other stuffs to make things more connected, i think it makes the player action feel like it has a bigger impact that way.
But nontheless, thank you Mr.BraverGames for your great work.
Hey, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
Yes, there's lots to take away from this if I start a new project. I think one thing I've learned is how hard it is to make a story that builds while also giving the player the freedom to pursue the things they want to.
Is it possible for you to share your honey select 2 card?
Hey there, thanks for playing the game!
I may use some of these models again in future games so I don't plan on releasing the characters' cards.
found a bug where the command mind sequence doesnt function as intended, you complete the dialogue with the mother before it reverts to the vanilla "talk to" dialogue with her where the father isnt drugged. to which he wakes up, sends you away and the actual sequence is unable to continue. this makes it impossible to continue to the corruption sequence which ive never seen because no matter what i do the bug gets in the way at that particular event junction
Hey there,
I fixed this one in 1.4, thanks for raising :)
I have a question for the developers:
1. it would be useful to have an option Load game in the menu next to Save in order not to return to the main menu every now and then.
2.A lot of people complain about stuttering scenes - the text option disappears and nothing can be done but exit the game - the problem is that if someone hasn't saved the game for a long time because he forgot, he loses progress maybe it's worth considering temporarily inserting a RESET option in the menu that would cancel the currently suspended scene and put the MC back in his room in the morning.
3. And a little request could change alex's voice so it doesn't sound like a baby's voice.
BUGS I FOUND: there,
Load game added in 1.4 :)
I know the text pauses are annoying some people. They'll be hard to remove now. I probably won't use them in future.
These are all the bugs (or almost all) that are found in version 1.3 (Including ones I reported before):
- Goodnight Kisses from Mom - I have all the steps - the mission continues to hang as not ended.
- Mission 28 - Does not display in Naughty Ideas - without it, mom's corruption cannot begin.
- Mission 13 Stage 2: Occasionally sitting on a chair does not work when give maid new clothes
- In some missions in Naughty Ideas, a black screen appears
- Start Game: Mom who comes to your room is invisible
- New Clothes for Demon Mission 24: Buying all at once and dressing up a Demon to unlock new mana refresh abilities, suddenly the game removed my: Naked Clothes
Credits go to Astercholik who made a 500 LONG PAGE WALKTHROUGH! Waiting for his permission to post the guide here!
Edit: Nevermind... Astercholik is actually here...
The guide is freely available to the public - I don't mind if someone uses it and distributes it.
The fact is that it has more than 500 pages (depending on who views it ><) the problem is that I can make it smaller at the expense of the size of the photos which I don't like too much.
I view mine in full size - and I have pages of over 428 :D
where can I find the walkthrough at?
Well he said that we can post it here so here you go (The guide also contains details about what bugs there are in 1.3):
Wow, this is very impressive. Well done!
i enjoy the game very much I hope you keep on doing a great job on the game theirs a few bugs I mention in my other post I was wondering are you going to open a patron account for this game
hi after 3some with sisters the game just froze?
how do you get to the 3way
Hey there,
Duo scenes are unlocked once you've corrupted all four characters.
I did all of the maid quest but I couldn't corrupt her
I did all of the maid quest but I couldn't corrupt her
the only thing i can't do in this game is to get my father out of the living room in the evening, is there a way to do that or is it just not in the game?
Hey there, thanks for playing!
Removing him isn't part of any quest in the game as far as I know.
He'll leave by himself if you activate any scenes that are in the living room (like watching movies with big sis).
yes, but I was hoping for some scenes with mom while watching, by the way your next game should be about this island.
Hellow BraverGames,
there are lot of unhappy people who aren't even bothering playing the game after the into. The dialogs are way too slow for no reason. Also the game is way too grindy because of Mana.
Please make following changes to make the game a 5/5 or at least 4/5 experience:
- Remove all long breaks in the dialogs, me and a lot of others won't want to skip all the dialogs but they are too slow and these breaks making even the skipping with "W" or "PageDown" slower
- Increase start Mana value or remove Mana from the game. The game already forces you to repeat days since each action skips the time, Mana is just making it much slower
- Make Scenes are bit faster or at least scene dialogs should come faster, if action or skip buttons are pressed down
- Let us choose at the beginning, if you want to skip into all together. If played through the game and want to start it again, it's a time waste for me to go through the long ass into
I modified the game myself to make it playable. Otherwise I wouldn't make to the end.
Beside of points above, I love the game. Animations could be better, but overall great job. The story and gameplay are fun. Models are super hot.
Hey there, thanks for trying the game!
I get the pauses in the dialogue are frustrating for some people.
Unfortunately they're textcodes placed within the actual text so removing them would require going through all of the written text in the game (which is a lot).
If I do a future game, I likely won't use them.
The 1.4 update does add the option to skip the intro, though :)
I'm trying to find the controller for the heater. Where do i find it?
look in your bed
I did every quest in the game and unlocked everyone except maria even after doing all her missions
plus I seen the bugs Heimeropen pointed out
Wonderful game. feel that theres a lack of content once all mayhem breaks lose. abit underwhelming considering the amount of effort placed. more final form contents as well as sharing contents during daily events maybe ? Damon 2 ?? . all in all. a wonderful effort and game. albeit the buggy start and all.
Hey, glad you enjoyed the game!
No plans at the minute, but a sequel would be fun.
2 more bugs to report here in 1.3 (Reported by other people):
1) When you talk to the mom in the garden and you only have unlock and telekinesis, right-click the button to quit the scene gets you stuck all you can do is press escape to bring up the main menu.
2)Unless the player missed something, a bug in the quest log where the "Goodnight Kiss" Quest for the mom does not get mark completed.

hi i think i found a bug after corrupting the maid in the morning when dad is standing outside the study i talked to mom in the kitchen and the game froze
version 1.3
People who played this game tested this bug and solved it, here is how:
After she tells you to sit down go out and re-enter the room. Interact with the chair and the event will trigger.
Still a bug but this one can be solved!
sit down? in the kitchen?
Oh crap... The bug you described is related to the Mother, not to Maria... I can't read lol, my bad. In that case, wait for the Dev to see this... sorry.
I believe these are fixed in 1.4 :)
I have a question do you plan to add new characters in the next versions? E.g. the aunt as a guest visitor? Colleagues for the older sister (this can be subsumed under the cheelider missions).
Personally, I think he should do this in a Sequel or something... I mean it IS his first game on Itch and it's free to boot. I'd welcome a new game as well to be honest but not extra content on this.
Hey there, thanks for playing!
I consider this game finished content-wise. It took so long to make and it was very much a learning process.
The next thing I work on will be a new project, although I have no specific plans at the moment.
Here is a guide on how to unlock the 4th power since so many people are having a pain unlocking it (Thanks ehendu for the guide):
Fourth Power: WARP MIND. The biggest pain in the ass as it has several components.
First Condition: Easiest to reach, you must have used the LUST power 5 times.
Second Condition: You need to get the mom to order sexy lingerie. This is accomplished by:
-Evening, mom tucks you in, TELEKINESIS (undoes bathrobe). Forget if the first time ends there or if you get prompted to use LUST right after before she leaves. -After the first time you've used both TELEKINESIS and LUST while she is tucking you in, get up at night and go to parent's bedroom. It'll ask if you want to watch your dad fuck mom or not. Chose your preference. Now you should be to proceed.
-Get Sleeping Pills from the bathroom if you don't have them (UNLOCK and TELEKINESIS the first time, just TELEKINESIS after first). Use them on the wine by parent's bed. If it's non-interactable at this point, good luck unbugging rip.
-After using sleeping pills on wine. Go get tucked in, TELEKINESIS and LUST mom again. Watch her at night. Do this 3 times, there will be slight changes in the event. After the third time, she should masturbate in bed and Nina should mention you should be able to give her ideas on the computer. -Afternoon, talk to dad in office so he leaves, computer, browser, leave. Mom comes in, she should choose to buy them.
-Wait 3 days.
-Go down to the foyer and see the package. Then return to your room.
You should now be able to get the Fourth Power: WARP MIND.
how do you corrupt Mrs. martin wife I have been trying I cant quiet get it
besides that this games a really fun game
Ok BraverGames... I'm sorry but NO: You did NOT fix the sprite where the Mom walks into your room for the first time: This is version 1.3 that I have I'm certain of that and she's still invisible:
I know it is something minor but some people are still reporting stuff therefore I will wait for a future version.
Also, I know this is your first game: All I have to say is double check everything before uploading that's all.
Yep, I still got the same bug of her being invisible after the update. I don't know if has anything to do with that NW.js thing that pops up or not.
Oh that? If you are talking about the "Profile Error Occured" error, that is normal. That's common in all RPGM games that are simply older than a prior RPGM game version you have. Here is how to solve that:
1) Go to C:\Users\<Your username>\Appdata\Local
2) Find a folder named nwjs and delete it
3)Go to C:\Users\<Your username>\Appdata\Local\User Data\Default
4) Delete two files named "Web Data" and "Web Data.journal".
After doing all that, relaunch the game and that pop up should disappear. It has a chance to reappear if you play a game that has uses a newer RPGM version so yeah... I've had that problem so many times before.
(If you ask me does that pop up appear when I launch this game, then the answer is no).
Hey there,
I thought I had fixed this and then it turned out there was something triggering earlier in the build I was using to playtest.
Long story short, invisible mom is fixed in 1.4.
how do i review sences
Hey there.
Most scenes can be reviewed by following the same steps you did in the first place.
There are some narrative scenes that can't be viewed again, but most scenes in the game are repeatable.
I'm stuck on the frustration quest idk how to stop the father, great game tho
Hey there, thanks for trying the game!
I'm not sure if you've solved this already but you should be able to find something in the bathroom that'll help.
just tried your game for first time, it's pretty interesting, but think i ran into a bug with nina's outfit. I purchased the naked outfit and it shows as aquired, but when i go to the items menu with nina it doesn't show up at all, but all the other outfits are there. also noticed that when she is using the lingerie outfit during the BJ animation it flashes between that outfit and the original doll outfit. not sure if that was intentional or not.
Hey, thanks for pointing this out :)
I found there was a bug that removed the outfit. It's now been fixed in the 1.4 update.
When you start a game mom comming to you room, she is invisible only we see emoticons
Hey there, thanks for giving the game a go!
I've just uploaded a 1.3 version that fixes this bug (and lots of others) so give that a try :)
Can I unlock the 4th power yet?
Hey there, thanks for trying the game out!
Are you playing version 1.0 or 1.1?
There was a major bug in those versions that prevented progression.
I'd download the latest version (1.3) and try that to see if it fixes things.
I've recently played both the mom and younger sister through to corruption on that build so it should work.
Hello, I am creating a guide on how to pass the game and unfortunately I have a total of 21 missions: 5 completed, 2 started, and 14 already completed to some degree at what point should I unlock the 4th power? I have been playing since version 1.0, and have the latest version 1.3.
Ok I managed to find on the forum - I did not meet all the conditions.
I'm stuck with one thing for alice before corruption, but I can't find what it is
Have you tried visiting her when she sleeps alone?
I've used command when studying, with Alex, and at night on her own yes
You have to ue it on her computer whe she's sleeping alone
Have you play video game on your room on the afternoon ?
I never thought of that, since things like that seem to be for advancing time only
Alice has 4 events that let you use the power that unlocks her corruption quest.
Playing video games during the day.
Studying with her during the day.
Hanging out with her and her friend in the evening.
Visiting her at night.
I playtested this and was able to get all the way through to completing her corruption quest so it should work :)
I'd recommend downloading the 1.3 update as I've fixed some other stuff around this.
This is very good game! Thank you for you work! But I have a question: how i can get the fours power! Thank you!
In order to discover new powers, you just need to use the previous one a certain number of times without repeating yourself.